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I am so happy being married and living with my best friend. We adopted our first child, Ari, in 2011 through a domestic adoption and our second, Jude, in 2014.

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Waiting Game

Alright folks, this is a pretty legit adoption update. So if you haven't been reading any of my other random posts, but want to know the latest info, I highly recommend you read this one. Okay, here we go...

Last Tuesday, the 19th, I was emailing back and forth with the social worker at our adoption agency. We were talking about the last of the paperwork the hubs and I needed to get done and looking at dates to schedule our home visit. In between those emails, I suddenly got a new one from her titled, "Possible match??".

My mind immediately went crazy! I tried to calm myself down a little bit and then opened the email to read about it. She told me that they'd had a birth mom just recently contact them who is pregnant with a boy and is due May 22nd. Yes, less than a month from now! The social worker wanted to know if we were interested in the situation and if we would like to have our profile shown.

(As a side note: For anyone who doesn't know, in domestic adoptions the birth mom chooses the couple she would like to have parent her child. Every adoptive couple makes some type of profile/photo book about themselves. The birth mom looks through those to make her decision.)

After reading the email, I first called the hubs to tell him the crazy news. He was absolutely speechless. All he could manage to say was, "Umm...umm...umm. Could you just forward me the email?" haha! After I did that, I called my mom because I knew she'd be able to talk to me about it!

After a lot of quick praying and thinking we decided that yes, we are very interested and yes, we would like to have our profile shown to this mother. The agency told us that they are trying to get two families to show her. They have a couple of leads on another family through another agency, but said they always prefer to use their own families. So my best guess is that, including ours, she will have two or three profiles to look through. She is meeting with the agency this Wednesday, the 4th, to do that.

So now we are just in the waiting, and praying, game. We simply have to be patient and wait to hear any news from the agency. We are trying our best to not be anxious. We know that God already has our child picked out for us. If this is it, fantastic! If not, we will move on. We are praying for nothing other than for God's will to be done.


Julia Stewart said...

That's such a great thing to hear about today!!! I am praying hard that there will be good news soon!!!!

Danna 'Nelson' Townsdin said...

I get more excited every time I think about it! Waiting and PRAYING with you...

Linda Woolf Anderson said...

oh my goodness, just got chill bumps. we will also pray for you 4. hehe

Heather Von Rhee Journeycake said...

LOVE this!!!

Brenda Pemberton Matlock said...

I am so excited for you guys.praying an adoption will work out soon.

Jessica Maras Cowles said...

This is great news, and possibly the answer to your prayers. God is amazing!

The Kellys said...

Amazing! :)

Joy Hartsock said...

That is so wonderful!! Will be praying!

leslie.stephens said...

Wow, God is amazing! We are praying with yall!