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I am so happy being married and living with my best friend. We adopted our first child, Ari, in 2011 through a domestic adoption and our second, Jude, in 2014.

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Project 365 #29

August 22nd - We got our wedding video! I absolutely love it!

August 23rd - Yeah...we're only slightly excited about our new iPhones.

August 24th - I'm loving reading this book with all my small group girls in Tulsa.

August 25th - I was very bored this day, so I went out and bought a puzzle. However, my boredom soon passed before I started it. I'm sure I will get to it soon!

August 26th - Playing some Sesame Street games with Will Connell via iChat.

August 27th - Just lost next month's rent by buying books for the semester!

August 28th - My very favorite frame in our house.

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