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I am so happy being married and living with my best friend. We adopted our first child, Ari, in 2011 through a domestic adoption and our second, Jude, in 2014.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Hubs

Just a head's up, this entire post is going to be dedicated to how awesome my husband is. So if you don't like the mushy, gushy stuff...turn away now. You've been warned. ;)

Last May the hubs graduated from college with a degree in Broadcast Journalism. He loves radio work and is really good at what he does. However, radio jobs are very few and far between right now. After college he continued his job at an Apple retail store for several months, but that was very quickly becoming frustrating. Let's face it, retail jobs just suck. One of our best friends, Amelia, works with Special Ed children and after Mike spent an evening talking with her he thought this might be something he would like to explore.

For the last 7 months he has been working as a para professional with children who have special needs such as autism, mental handicaps, and Down Syndrome. This has not been an easy job. It requires strong patience and the task of quite often being a bathroom wiper. It is certainly not something for the weak. I could never do it, but he has loved his time there and I dare say that he has blessed those children's lives for the better.

The only hard thing about all of this is that school positions aren't terribly safe right now. There are layoff's all the time and you never know when they're going to hit. But Mike got hit on Monday. He was told that it simply wasn't in the budget for him to have a job next year. He was devastated. Who wouldn't be?? It was also hard to not take it personally. He was not fired...he simply was laid off because he was the most recent para to join the school, which made him the first to go. It's still not a fun feeling, no matter the reason.

Our lives haven't been easy over the past two years. We've been incredibly blessed in certain areas, but we've also been struggling with infertility that entire time. Now, just as soon as we're getting deep into making a very costly decision about IVF or adoption, he gets laid off. But here's where the hubs gets amazing... (as if he wasn't amazing enough already for having that job).

Mike was upset over this circumstance for maybe a few hours that evening. Then he put back on his annoyingly wonderful and optimistic happy pants. ;) This is what he told me... It was obvious God had another plan for him, otherwise this wouldn't have happened. He simply needs to find the door that God now wants him to walk through. He said if he ever cried over this it would be tears of joy because he knows that God has something great in store for him and he can't wait to figure out what it is.

Umm, wow! Like I said, my husband is amazing. I am so blessed to get to walk through this difficult infertility journey with him. Somedays it seems like the hits just never stop coming, but as long as he keeps wearing those annoying happy pants and as long as we seek God first, I know we will come out on top through all of this.


Chris May said...

Gotta love the wisdom Mike is showing. I'm anxious to see how all of this turns out for you guys.

Danna 'Nelson' Townsdin said...

You are BOTH amazing! We are incredibly proud of both of you and we love you like CRAZY!!!

Jeanne Reeves Priest said...

I agree! You both amaze me with your faith and endurance! That husband of yours, he's a keeper!!!! I couldn't be prouder to call him our son-in-law! I am so thankful that he is part of our family and our life!

Jessica Maras Cowles said...

Hey, I do not know if it is too far of a drive, but they are some postings for a para in Owasso. My position was filled since I have to do my full internship this fall at Barnes, but there are other openings. Just in case he is interested. Also, he is welcome to use me as a reference if needed. My heart is going out to you both. God can and will do wonderful things in your lives. You are in our prayers, and we love you both!

Janyt May said...

Love you both so much!