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I am so happy being married and living with my best friend. We adopted our first child, Ari, in 2011 through a domestic adoption and our second, Jude, in 2014.

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Christmas Morning

Today was a big day for me and the hubs. Well, in the grand scheme of things to come, it may not be that big. But for now, it was big.

We mailed in our adoption application this morning! That was the first true step we've taken towards actually getting started with adoption. And it was exciting! I kept saying all day yesterday that I felt like it was Christmas Eve, thus the title of Christmas Morning. I can't wait for all the many more exciting Christmas Eve/Christmas Morning moments to come as we continue down this journey.

What I posted on my Facebook and Twitter pretty much sums up the day: "Just mailed my heart, hopes, and dreams (adoption application) to Enid, OK. Oh, and $500! May God be glorified in this new journey."

The hubs weighing the envelope and getting it ready to go.


Bye, bye application! I hope you turn into a baby soon! ;)

Also, I plan on keeping track of our adoption expenses on here. One, for our benefit so it will help us when it comes time to file for the adoption tax credit. Two, for anyone out there curious about adoption and all the costs that it entails. I'll continue to add to the list whenever something new comes up.

Adoption Costs
*Puzzle for adoption fundraiser (more on this later, promise) - $19.78
*Postage for mailing application - $4.95
*Application fee - $500
Running Total - $524.73


Danna 'Nelson' Townsdin said...

I need a "LOVE" button for this one!!!

Amelia May said...

How fun and exciting is this! I LOVE the cute pictures....I feel like I was right there with you! Let's go BABY, Let's go!

rachel porter said...

thanks for stopping by and saying hi! let me know if i can encourage you in any way :)


I know how exciting this is. I have an adopted granddaughter and I remember the day it all began for my daughter. Our Claire is almost 5 now. I pray that God will bless you with an awesome bundle of joy.