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I am so happy being married and living with my best friend. We adopted our first child, Ari, in 2011 through a domestic adoption and our second, Jude, in 2014.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

An Afternoon In Moore

Last Saturday the hubs and I headed out with two of our friends to Moore, OK to join about 30 other people that we know to spend the day there. We were all going there to support one of Mike's best friends, Nathan, as he participated in his very first MMA fight. This is something that he has been training for months for, so it was without question that we would be there for him.

Normally this stuff makes me absolutely cringe! I just can't even stand watching it. And that was still the case when we were there and things got under way. During the first fight, I hardly looked up at all. The second fight, I looked up, but was watching it between my fingers. Then the third fight was Nathan's turn. I thought it was going to be 10 times worse for me watching someone I actually know participating. I fully expected to bawl my eyes out the whole time. However, my strong competitive side came out in full force! I was yelling and cheering him on throughout the whole thing. It still wasn't easy to watch, but I was excited for him to be able to be doing something that he's worked so hard far. Due to some quick paced changes just before the fight and the ref calling it early, he did lose, but he put up a great fight! Everyone has a first fight and I couldn't have been more proud to watch him do this. Now I can't wait for all the next ones to come! Love you Nate! Mike and I are so proud of you!


Terry Rush said...

Years ago we used to have these same kind of gatherings. They were called elders' meetings.

Vanessa said...

hahaha! Oh my word, Terry! I just love you! I had forgotten about blog word for a while. Thanks for pulling me back over here with that comment!

Terry Rush said...

Uhmmmm....do you think you might want to.....upgrade with possibly a.....well.....a new article?

Nothing pressing....just notied it might be time??????

No hurry....I guess.

Love you!