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I am so happy being married and living with my best friend. We adopted our first child, Ari, in 2011 through a domestic adoption and our second, Jude, in 2014.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

3 Months

Little Pirate turned three months old on Tuesday. He's looking so much bigger already! And him turning three months means that we sent our first set of pictures and a letter to the birth mom. Well, we mailed it all to the agency and then they will get it to her.

For some adoptive parents, this isn't easy to do. But honestly, I was SO excited to send in pictures. I've been dying for her to get some for weeks now. I just can't wait for her to see how absolutely adorable the little life she created is.

I wish I could watch her look through the pictures. I want to tell her all the teeny-tiny, pointless stories behind each picture. I imagine her "oohing" and "aahing" over each sweet little face. The totally asleep and non-smile faces that only a mom could truly appreciate.

That's the beautiful thing about adoption. Little Pirate has two mom's who love him with a crazy passion. I am the mom who will raise him and she is his first mom who gave him life. Although we may not see her and directly communcate, she still is a part of our family. Without her, our family wouldn't exist.

I could not feel more blessed to know her and be able to say that she is in our family.


Danna 'Nelson' Townsdin said...


Heather Pitney Thornton said...

And Ari is so rich... because you have stepped into the realm of how big God created our hearts to be. Thankful for you.