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I am so happy being married and living with my best friend. We adopted our first child, Ari, in 2011 through a domestic adoption and our second, Jude, in 2014.

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Joy and Pain of Mother's Day

What a bittersweet holiday this is for me now. Let's be honest, it used to just be bitter. I spent three years avoiding every thought about this holiday. But now I am a mom. I finally get to be honored and thought of on this holiday. And yet, it's still a little bitter.

You see, I am still an infertile. No matter how many beautiful babies I am blessed to adopt in this life, I will always be infertile. And my heart aches on this holiday for my sisters struggling with the same issue.

I also cannot even give an ounce of thought to myself on this holiday without giving a thousand more to Little Pirate's birth mom, B.

And these thoughts simply lead me to many other mom roles that I just have to address.

To those women who have never been a mom (whether through birth, adopting, fostering...anything), but still fulfill a mother role to some... You bless so many people. I am lucky to have one of these in my life. My sweet second mom. You women are amazing and I promise, people are thankful to have you as a mom in their life.

To those women who have lost a child (in the womb or at any age)... Please don't doubt for a minute that you are a mother. Know that you and your child are remembered, thought of, and loved. I know that your babies are celebrating your name in Heaven.

To those women who are struggling with infertility... My heart aches for you this weekend. I've been there and I know the pain of just trying to make it through another holiday celebrating everything you don't have. Please know that you are a mother. It is in your heart, it is in your dreams, it is who you are.

To those women who are birth mom's... You are the epitome of the love and sacrifice that is required to be a mother. Please know that you are to be honored and remembered this weekend. Please know that you are loved and appreciated. Please, please know that you are never forgotten.

Mother's Day just isn't a simple holiday. It involves too many different roles and emotions. Please remember this as you go through the weekend. Celebrate all women as mothers and let them know that they are honored and loved.